Monday, March 24, 2008

belated blog posting

Well, it's far too late but I figured I'd blog about the topic given anyway. Here's an interesting blog I found.

this blog was particularly interesting to me because it contained research on racial relations not only in the context of minority and majority but also in the context of how different minority groups interact with one another. However, amid the Jeremiah Wright semi-scandal, what is of most concern to me lately is the relationship between black and white America. The studies on the blog show that a large majority of white people get along "pretty well" with both blacks and Hispanics. This may be true, but there is something about the feeling of disenfranchisement that some black Americans feel that terrifies white middle America. I have close relations to many Fox New viewers and I feel like I have my finger on the pulse of what some of them feel about certain issues, and several of them have turned from viewing Obama as the "at least he isn't Hillary" candidate to the "uh oh" candidate very quickly. They feel that because Reverend Wright holds such caustic and even repugnant views, and that Obama is a faithful, devoted member of his congregation, that Obama himself must have a heart filled with viciously anti-American vitriol as well. Interestingly enough, several of these Fox News viewers seemed to actually believe that Obama was a practicing Muslim until the Wright comments surfaced. Sheesh. So much for that well-informed electorate idea. To change gears a little bit, I thought Obama's speech was brilliantly well delivered and a real watershed moment in terms of political honesty and forthrightness. I can't summarize it and do it justice, so here's a link if you haven't watched yet.

Until my next dreadfully late blog assignment,
