Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Investigating Ethnicity #2

What an curious predicament I find myself in. I know i'm supposed to update my blog tonight, but I didn't write down what we were supposed to write about. I suppose I will talk a bit about the book we just finished, and how some of its themes and motifs remain relevant today.

One aspect of the novel that I find to be particularly interesting is the idea of a young socialite (or in this case, two) seemingly doing their best to ruin the reputation of the people who enable them to have this lifestyle. Vivian Sternwood is a prohibition-era Paris Hilton. She runs around LA with drunk, useless men (that forever-greasy guy that frequently intrudes on Hilton's paparazzi shots) and casinos and other unsavory places much more than any "respectable" woman should. Just like Paris' father, the hotel tycoon Richard Hilton, General Sternwood's reputation and overall peace of mind is constantly endangered by his troublemaking daughters. I guess that would make Carmen Sternwood a bit like Tara Reid; She's sloppy, interesting to no one, and has a bit of a crazy-as-stink look about her.

Well, that seems to be it for now.


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